One thing I am super passionate about is adopting animals. All of the pets I have had have come from rescues and shelters. This week’s Wednesday post is the three rescues I love…and subsequently want all the animals from…
When we adopted Merlin
The Humane Society I had to give the hometown rescue a shoutout. The Humane Society and SPCA in Brooksville are really wonderful places. When I was younger we rescued a kitty from here. These places are always booked to the max.
My sweet girl
Sadie’s Rescue
This is where I rescued my first pup, Lola. Sadie’s does not have a brick and mortar location, so they find awesome families to foster the animals out of the kill shelters and take them to pet stores and other areas every weekend to be adopted out.
Adopt a Rescue Pet
This is where we adopted our second pup, Merlin. Similar to Sadie’s, Adopt a Rescue fosters animals out and then brings them to PetSmart and other locations to find them homes. I follow them on Facebook which is dangerous and adorable all at once. I wish I could rescue every animal and this one is especially dangerous since they are in Vegas!
They love each otherHave you rescued a pet? Do you have a favorite rescue? Post it in the comments!!
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