This weekend marks my one year wedding anniversary, which also means it marks one year since I had the biggest party of my life surrounded by so many of my dear friends and family. I’ve taken some time to reflect on the last year (I may save some of that for another post) and the one thing that I think of the most is friendships and the value I put on them. Some of those people I have not seen since then, but I like to think I have spoken to all of them on a pretty regular basis.
One thing people say a lot to me is that they are “horrible at keeping in touch.” A lot of people are “so busy” and get caught up in their own day-to-day lives that they forget to keep in touch, call, text, or email (sorry, posting on someones wall doesn’t count).
There is a lot of value in 5 minutes. Everyone has 5 minutes. At some point, you are probably in your call for at least 5 minutes. Every day I have a 30 min drive to and from work. I use this time to call my parents, my grandparents, and my friends. I use texts and snapchat with other friends to fill in the blanks.
When you call a friend, tell yourself (and them) that you only have 5 minutes to talk – that way you don’t feel obligated or stressed if you can’t offer more time. If you go over – then you go over! It’s really that initial hump of just MAKING the call that most people need to get over.
Can’t ever remember to use those 5 minutes when you have them? Schedule them in your phone! You aren’t fooling anyone saying you don’t check your phone. Set an alert for when you get off work to call so-and-so if that is what you need!m
It has always been important to me to keep in touch with the people I care about and to let them know I am thinking of them. From most conversations I have with other people, they want to too! If you are one of those people – put that time in your calendar right now! Make a list of people you need to say hello to – and then schedule them – even if it is just 1 a week! Call people back if they reached out to you-it’s worth the time, I promise!
(oh, and if you are taking a number 2….you have time to send a hello text)
Do you have a technique for staying in touch? Share it below!
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