
Spring Style Splurge with Faux Fur

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Every now and then I splurge on a piece that is more fun than practical and this pastel blue faux fur (cape??) fits the bill for that this Spring. While a capsule wardrobe is great, and classic pieces never go out of style, sometimes its fun to just be a little bit “extra” and let yourself feel fancy!

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On a recent trip to Dijon, France, we came across a really pretty boutique store filled with blush pink and this light blue and the cape in the window just drew me in. The saleswoman assured me that baby blues and pinks were “in” this season and from what I have seen, she isn’t wrong. You can’t help but feel a little bit brighter and lighter in this fun Tiffany Blue!  I probably spent 15 minutes trying it on and off before I somehow talked myself (ok, my friend talked me into it also) into buying it.

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You may not be ready to jump into a piece as…fluffy…as this one, but there are still a lot of other pieces that allow you to bring this color into your Spring style! Here are some pieces with a little extra fur or a little extra color that you may love as much as me this season!

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