Next to shopping, eating may be my favorite thing to do. For Paris, I used Trip Advisor and Yelp to find our way around the city for bites to eat! Here is a look at my food diary for our 3 days there!
Frenchies to go
“Frenchie” in Paris is one of the hardest restaurants in the city to get a reservation in and it happens to fall on almost every “best of” list you will see. We didn’t feel like fighting crowds or planning our days around eating so we stopped by Frenchies To Go right next door to its famed counterpart. Honestly it was good but not groundbreaking…and it was relatively pricey after our juices were almost $10 each! ouch! I had a really refreshing gazpacho soup and Shai had their BBQ sandwich..which..had really tasty pork in it.
Laduree is considered by some to be the birthplace of the modern macaron. We had to stop here to try for ourselves and naturally I needed to try 6 to make sure that they are, in fact, as delicious as you would expect. (they are). Shai had some chocolate so there are also other options there to try for you strange people who don’t love macarons.
Les Ombres
We stumbled upon Les Ombres on our way to the Eiffel Tower. It had great reviews and promised perfect views of the Eiffel Tower. It did not disappoint! I had perfectly cooked red mullet fish with green bean, sugar pea, peach, almond, romaine lettuce, and verbena smooth cream and Shai had beef tenderloin with crispy potato, smoked eggplant caviar, green and yellow zucchini, red pepper coulis, and sauce verge. We paired both dishes with a refreshing rosé because it was still pretty warm that night.
KB Cafe (and leftover macarons from Laduree)
We just happened across this spot when we were walking towards the Moulin Rouge and noticed that all the other cafes only had 1-2 people but this place had every table inside and outside packed! Everything was in french but the workers were very nice and helpful. There wasn’t much I could eat (darn gluten) but the fresh juices were amazing and Shai enjoyed what he called “the most healthy carrot cake” he has ever had.
Luxembourg Gardens
I had read that the Luxembourg Gardens were a beautiful place to stop and relax and have a picnic so after our full day of touristing the day prior, we decided to try it out. We found a local store close by and snagged some snacks and a bottle of grapefruit wine to relax in the shade. You aren’t allowed to sit on the grass (we saw a bunch of people get scolded and told to move) but there are more than enough chairs, benches, and trees for everyone to find their own space.
Champagne at the Eiffel Tower
There are different restaurants and spots for you to get drinks and food on the Eiffel Tower on the fist and second levels. After we walked up the two levels and then took the elevator to the summit and back down, we (ok I) decided to treat ourselves with a glass of champagne at the Eiffel Tower. Yah, it felt a little fancy haha but it is worth it to say you did it I think.
Seine River Cruise
This was another meal we just happened across on our trip and it was definitely the most delicious. The cruise goes along the river to see all of the key attractions at night while you are served a 3-4 course meal complete with a bottle of wine in addition to 2 other glasses and a coffee or tea at the end. I was pretty excited to see escargot with a cream of leak, fava bean and mushroom on the menu and it was everything I hoped for it to be. I then had perfectly cooked sea bass followed by fresh fruit for dessert. Shai had foie gras to start followed by beef tenderloin and the most amazing truffled potatoes I have ever had. We had a cheese plate before dessert which was a chocolate concerto for Shai. The whole experience was really wonderful.
Angelina Cafe at Les Invalides
Angelina is also a spot well known for its macarons so when we found one at Les Invalides I was pretty excited. Another meal left to chance and it worked out perfectly. Some juice, macarons, salad, and a chocolate croissant for Shai was perfect for a brunch time meal.
Local cafe/bar
The streets are lined with cafes and bars and so to beat the heat we decided to grab a seat at one for a refreshing mojito.
Local café on the way to the train station
I don’t remember the name of this place, it was just a cafe on the way to the train station. The service was good, the spot was cute, and they played all of the classic oldies songs. We started with a cheese plate and then finished with a vegan salad for me and a burger and fries for Shai. It was a nice, low-key way to end the trip.
How do you think we did? Do you have a favorite spot to eat in Paris?
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