When it comes to packing a suitcase, I qualify myself as expert. I’ve packed an only 30lb bag for a whole month of travel, packed for 3 days in Paris with only a backpack, and last year, successfully packed a dozen bottles of wine & alcohol for an international flight. One of the best (& easiest) gifts & souveneirs when traveling around Europe is wine but getting it home and then to its final destination can be a precarious and stressful experience. We have rolls of bubble wrap for when we bring wine from home but when we’re in a different country, sometimes the best option is to wrap wine in pant legs, buckle it down and pray for the best.
With my new VinGardeValise suitcase, I no longer have to worry about if I packed enough clothing to work as buffer or if we need to buy more padding to roll things in. This suitcase is literally made for you to transfer wine, beer, champagne, anything! The suitcase comes with custom foam inserts that range in size from wine, to beer, to champagne (or a tall vodka bottle). The two sides of the suitcase are distinctly separated from each other with convenient accessory dividers but they also are topped with a sturdy foam divider that lays atop the custom wine bottle inserts. You can move and change out the inserts however works best for you and the trip you are on. If you only need to bring three bottles, you can easily remove the extra inserts and fill the rest of the space with your clothes and shoes. Need to bring a whole case? The suitcase is sized to fit a case of wine and still be within airline weight limits!
On a recent trip to Porto, this case was perfect to hold everything we needed for a quick weekend getaway and easily transport some Port home with us without having to bring a massive suitcase. A normal weekend trip we wouldn’t have packed enough to really feel that the wine was safe and secure but having this case and inserts we literally didn’t think twice!
The inside of a suitcase never looks pretty but here are a couple more examples of how it can be packed with all of the different sizes of bottles! The extra large insert is perfect for those massive bottles of booze or champagne and you can even add extra inserts for smaller bottles like beer and liquors! You can see more of it here.
With the holidays coming up, this suitcase is perfect for transporting gifts safely or even as a gift for the wine-lover in your life!
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