It’s National Mulled Wine Day! Yup, that’s a thing. Kind of funny since mulled wine tends to be a more European trend but if you have not had any, I suggest that today be that day!
I have to be honest, I am pretty lazy about making mulled wine (or Gluhwein in German). It is typically something I make more often in the winter and especially around Christmas but I never got around to it this year. Most recipes use whole ingredients like oranges and cinnamon stick but I actually use bags of mulling spices instead. This way I don’t have to worry about ingredients going bad and I always have them on hand. I have two different types of mulling bags (literally like tea bags) that I steep in the wine for about 10-15 minutes over low heat, preventing it from boiling.
You can order the spices for your own wine here or here. If you want to be more adventurous, you can find a great recipe here!
This warm drink is perfect for a mug but I have to warn you, a normal sized glass of wine looks a lot smaller than normal in a coffee mug!
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