We have all heard a lot about the value of meditation. Almost every celebrity these days will mention it when interviewed on their “daily schedule” but it feels like for the rest of us it is hard to make the time for meditation, let alone take it seriously.
When I was in Colorado and went to the most amazing yoga studio (no really, it was everything) I used that as my meditation time. I have not found a studio or place like that in the last 5 years unfortunately so I, like most of us, have struggled to find the time to meditate.
I don’t make resolutions, but so far this year I am trying to make a conscious effort to wake up even earlier and have some time post work-out to just settle.
If you hate the idea of meditation or just don’t have time…try this 2.5 minute video on it. It’s NSFW (or small children) so wear headsets if you need to!
I don’t know about you but I feel strangely calmer after that. Sometimes my meditation is just sitting in my car enjoying a latte and staring at the sky (hopefully not while the car is moving). Meditation is just whatever you can do to give you a sense of strength and peace in that moment.
Here are some meditation apps to try out too!
Share your mediation tips below!
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