I am going on 3 months of hotel room living and it is getting a bit tired. It always stinks when you don’t have your kitchen and all of your spices and tools to make even an easy meal. I definitely give in to the frozen meals, but I try to stick to Amy’s Kitchen meals. They make a ton of vegetarian and gluten free options that provide protein that I need as well. The Pad Thai is my absolute favorite…I wish it was twice the size!
Another go-to meal is grabbing a bag of lightly-seasoned mixed veggie steamers, cooking them half way, then adding the veggies to a bowl with 1-2 eggs and microwaving them for another 2 minutes. It may not be the best, but it does the job, saves money from going out too much and keeps the calorie count reasonable.
Recently I saw a butternut squash at the grocery store and decided to be a bit bold and try something even more creative. I have posted my recipe for Butternut Squash Risotto before which is one of my favorite comfort foods so I tried to make a hotel version.
- 1 Butternut Squash
- Milk of your preference
- 1 packet of instant rice (I chose quinoa and brown rice)
- Cheese of your preference – we used mozzarella string cheese because its what we are using to snack on
- Pack of single serving spices – I used one with garlic, rosemary, and paprika
I cut the squash in half and took out the seeds and then filled the center (where the seeds were) with water and put them in the microwave for 25 minutes. Normally I would have them in a baking dish with water as well and cover the tops of them, but this still did the job just fine.
When the squash was finished, I scooped all of the flesh into a bowl and add 1/4-1/2 cup of soy milk to make it creamier and smooth, added about 1/2 of each of the little spice containers, and pulled apart two sticks of cream cheese into little pieces so they would melt easier and mixed it all together. Then I cooked the instant rice (it was only 90 seconds) and added it to the mix.
I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, I may even try another or see if I can find a spaghetti squash! Only 1 more week of hotel living (although still 1 more month until our own furniture arrives…)
Just remember, living in a hotel does not have to be a reason to eat poorly or not maintain your health. With a little thought and planning, you can still keep eating interesting and healthy!
What are your favorite hotel meals?
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