I love baking cake in all forms but there is something especially fun about making cake balls! They are so easy and once they are finished, you don’t have to worry about any more mess!
I baked a plain white cake according to the directions on the box. When it had cooled, I crumbled it up and mashed it with 1 container of the aqua frosting and fish sprinkles. These cake balls were destined to be “earth-like” shaped/design so I wanted the bright blue for water and fish on the inside.
I then rolled them into balls by hand and then froze them overnight. This was partially for time management and also so they would be extra cold when i dipped them in hot candy coating!
I heated up the vanilla candy coating with just a little blue food coloring, stirred thoroughly, and then rolled each ball into the candy liquid.
I then repeated the process with green food coloring and hand dripped/placed the color over the blue in order to (attempt) a more “earth” like appearance.
I used these for a travel themed baby shower and paired them with cupcakes that had airplanes as toppers. They were quite a hit!
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