Spring and Summer are prime times for weddings which means that if the invitations have not started rolling in yet, they probably will soon. After having our own wedding and spending the last couple years attending several, I have a few tips on how to be the very best wedding guest…or at least how to not be the guest that keeps getting brought up long after the wedding is over.
If nothing else, this is the one thing you should take away from this post. RSVP yes or no (or your contingencies) by the deadline. The couple is swamped with deadlines and costs and having the most accurate number allows for their best planning as well as to make sure you are seated at a good table. We were calling and texting people up to the week before the wedding to confirm if they were coming or not. Save the couple the stress and let them know your plans.
Don’t wear white.
This may seem obvious to some of you but surprisingly it is not obvious to all. White has a very specific significance on a wedding day in allowing the bride to really stand out. Even if you think your dress is very casual, if it is white or cream, don’t wear it. We are getting away from a lot of “traditional” wedding traditions and some brides are even choosing to not wear white themselves but as a guest, err on the side of never wearing white.
Dress Appropriately.
Never wear jeans to a wedding unless you are 100% sure the bride and groom are OK with it (like it is a backyard BBQ perhaps). Don’t wear clothes that are too revealing – if you could wear it to a club after the wedding and fit in fine, you should probably wear something longer. If you have questions about how formal the wedding is and if your dress is appropriate, you can always send a picture of it to the bride and ask if she thinks it is appropriate. I have done this on a couple of occasions and always feel much more comfortable knowing I am wearing a dress that the bride feels will go with the vision she has for her wedding. Don’t forget to check out my post on dressing for a spring wedding!
Drink, but don’t get trashed.
It is hard to say no to an open bar, and there is no reason you should not let loose so you can crank it up on the dance floor but know your limit. Do not pound so many shots you end up puking on the dance floor. Ultimately, drunk people make weddings fun because they are really into the party but make sure you don’t do anything foolish or become belligerent. Ensure you are hanging out with other people who will have your back if you need it.
Give a card at the very least.
If you cannot afford a gift after the expenses of getting to the wedding, no couple should be upset with you over that. You do however owe them a card at the least letting them know that you were happy to be a part of their special day. If you are able to get them a gift, stick to either money or their registry. IF the couple is filling their first home together, buy them the things that THEY want, not what you think they want, otherwise they may be having their first garage-sale sooner than anticipated.
Any other rules out there that you think should be included? Comment below!
(all photos from my wedding are from Gaby J)
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